Retour sur le Cartoon movie 2017 : focus sur les longs métrages français
Le forum européen Cartoon Movie s'est tenu du 8 au 10 mars 2017 à Bordeaux. Découvrez les nombreux projets français ou de co-production française, présentés cette année.
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Cartoon Movie 2017
Focus sur les films français de ce grand rendez-vous de la co-production européenne de longs métrages d'animation
Le Cartoon Movie, désormais installé à Bordeaux, a accueilli cette année plus de 55 pitchs de projets en provenance de 19 pays et plus de 750 professionnels, du 8 au 10 mars 2017.
Nous vous proposons de découvrir un petit aperçu des projets français ou co-produit avec la France, pitchés cette année au stade du développement, de la production ou du concept.
Citons, parmi eux, quelques auteurs qui présentent leur premier long métrage tels que : François Leroy et Stéphanie Lansaque (Super Vinamotor - JSBC), Michaela Pavlatova (My Sunny Maad - Sacrebleu Productions), Arthur de Pins et Alexis Ducord (Zombillenium - Maybe Movies), Pierre Volto et Marion Montaigne (Panique organique - JSBC) ou encore Rémy Schaepman (Les Nazis, mon père et moi - Folivari).
Un projet de deuxième long métrage pour Rémi Chayé (Calamity, une enfance de Martha Jane Cannary - Maybe Movies et Sacrebleu Productions), Alberto Vazquez (Unicorn Wars - Autour de Minuit et Schmuby productions), Jan Bultheel (Canaan - Superprod) et Jung Henin (Single Mom in Korea - Marmitafilms).
Et des auteurs aguerris au long métrage tels que Jean-François Laguionie (Le Voyage du Prince - Blue Spirit Productions), Bibo Bergeron (Charlotte - Les Productions Balthazar, Les Films du Poisson Rouge, Folimage) ou Anca Damian (The Fantastic Voyage of Marona - Sacrebleu Productions).
Bien que minoritaire, nous retiendrons un vraie tendance au développement de projets pour un public plus adulte. Citons à titre d'exemple, Miss Saturne de Jérôme Combe et Barbara Israël (Prima Linéa Productions), The Siren de Sepideh Farsi (Les Films d'Ici) ou Flee de Johan Poher Rasmussen (Vivement lundi !).
Découvrez ci-dessous tous les autres projets français présentés lors de cette dernière édition.
NB : les projets sont présentés selon leur stade de développement et par ordre alphabétique.

Les lauréats 2017
Réalisateur de l'année : Claude Barras pour Ma Vie de Courgette
Distributeur de l'année : Angel Films (Danemark)
Producteurs de l'année : Rita Productions (Suisse), Blue Spirit Productions et Gebeka Films (France) pour Ma Vie de Courgette

A Skeleton story
d'Alessandro Rak
Production : MAD Entertainment, Ellipsanime Production
Synopsis : Will Musil, a clumsy skeleton-detective of the Kingdom of the Dead, is resting in peace at his desk when something extraordinary disturbs both his sleep and the sluggish life of the Kingdom. It’s an alive black cat, who has somehow found it’s way into Will’s office. But Will is too late to react, and the cat escapes out of the window. So it is that detective Will Musil begins his investigation through the streets of the Kingdom of the Dead. One comic misunderstanding after another, Will searches for the cat with the intention of bringing it to the Old Mistress, the terrifing ruler of the Land, in hope of a promotion. But he discovers that the black cat is not the only alive creature lost in the Land.

Amundsen & Nobile
de Kajsa Næss
Production : Mikrofilm, Denis Friedman Productions
Synopsis : After triumphing in the deadly race for the South Pole, explorer superstar Roald Amundsen suffers from post-expedition blues. The only remedy is a new Polar conquest. Tired of skiing, Amundsen gets a remarkable idea: to fly to the North Pole in an airship. Italian airship engineer Umberto Nobile dreams of glory and old adventure, despite being an indoorsy type. When Amundsen commissions a zeppelin, Nobile grasps the opportunity for fame. He brings along his beloved lapdog Titina, despite her obvious unsuitability for wilderness bravery. A polar epic about the mysterious death of Roald Amundsen, the utter disgrace of Umberto Nobile, and about Titina: the first fox terrier on the North Pole.

Calamity, une enfance de Martha Jane Cannary
de Rémi Chayé
Production : Maybe Movies, Sacrebleu Productions
Synopsis : 1863, in the midst of a convoy heading West on its way to a better life, Martha Jane’s father gets hurt. It is she who must drive the family wagon and take care of the horses. Learning is tough and yet Martha Jane has never felt so free. And since it’s more practical for riding horses, she doesn’t hesitate to slip in trousers. It is too much boldness for Abraham, the leader of the convoy. Accused of theft, Martha has to run away. Dressed as a boy, searching for the evidence of her innocence, she discovers a world in construction where her original personality will assert itself. An adventure full of dangers and rich in encounters that will, step by step, reveal the mythical Calamity Jane.

de Jan Bultheel
Production : Tondo, Tarantula, Superprod
Synopsis : 1840. Roza, a young novice of the Black Sisters convent of Bruges, is elected to accompany the legendary Flemish Father De Smet to his missionary post in America. With a few fellow Sisters she joins the infamous Oregon trail. Eventually they get lost on the prairie. Caught up in a flash flood, they are rescued by a clan of nomadic Lakota Sioux on their way to winter camp. Life in survival modus on the prairie gives a new sense of purpose to Roza. Awed by the procreative energy of nature, she becomes a mother. But then Father De Smet reappears to rescue her, to bring her back to civilized society. Now she truly has to make a determining choice.
Publics adolescents/adultes

de Bibo Bergeron
Production : Les Productions Balthazar, Walking The Dog, January Films, Les Films du Poisson Rouge, Folimage
Synopsis : Berlin,1930’s. Charlotte paints and draws obsessively. She begins to develop her own style at the Art Academy but is expelled after two years for being Jewish. Charlotte must take refuge with her grandparents in the south of France. Soon after her arrival, her grandmother commits suicide. Charlotte’s grandfather tells her of the family’s long legacy of suicide. She decides to do something extraordinary as an act of survival: she will paint her life. Through art, she imposes meaning onto the chaos inside her and around her. At 26, she is deported to Auschwitz. This extraordinary destiny is Charlotte Salomon’s, a story of survival and hope. Her paintings have been exhibited in major museums.
Publics adolescents/adultes

Crazy Island
de Jesper Moller
Production : Grid Animation, Tinkerland, Wunderwerk, Zooper Film
Synopsis : The human island and the animal island are in danger of sinking into the ocean. Water rises a little higher every day and they all appear to be doomed. The humans just decide to build a big ship, sail off and find themselves a new island. Lion King Leonardo promises the animals will be saved but Hugo Caterpillar and Ollie the Giraffe don’t believe him: the humans have never cared about the animals so why should they care now?

de Johan Poher Rasmussen
Production : Final Cut For Real, Sun Creature Studio, Vivement Lundi!
Synopsis : “FLEE” is an animated documentary about how it is to flee for your life, seen through the eyes of a boy who looses his innocence and becomes a man on the journey. It’s the story about how people are forced from their homes and into the hands of human traffickers who take them on a journey through hostile environments and cynical bureaucracies.
Publics adolescents/adultes

de Carlo Vogele
Production : Iris Productions, Iris Films, Rezo Productions
Synopsis : Among fierce debates, Zeus, Poseidon and Aphrodite are writing a myth set in ancient Crete for Gods & Gossip Magazine: Icarus lives a humble life in the sculpture workshop of his beloved father, famous inventor Daedalus. When he discovers a little boy with a bull’s head hidden in the royal palace, a tender friendship rocks his world. But when King Minos emprisons the “Monster” in a secret maze built by Daedalus, Icarus loses his only friend and his trust in his father. As Prince Theseus arrives to kill the Minotaur, Icarus seizes one last chance to save his childhood friend. After a fateful night of death and betrayal, his disillusion culminates in a tragic choice between darkness and light.

d'Aurélien Froment
Production : Les Films d'Ici Méditerranée, Les Films d'Ici, La Fabrique Animation
Synopsis : Complètement submergé par le flot de Républicains fuyant la dictature de Franco, le gouvernement français ne trouve comme solution que de parquer ces Espagnols dans des camps de concentration où les réfugiés n'auront d'autres choix que de construire leurs propres baraquements, de se nourrir des chevaux qui les ont portés hors de leur pays, et de mourir par centaines à cause du manque d'hygiène et d'eau... Dans un de ces camps, deux hommes séparés par un fil de fer barbelé vont se lier d'amitié. L'un est gendarme, l'autre est Josep Bartoli (Barcelone 1910 - New York 1995), combattant antifranquiste et dessinateur.
Publics adolescents/adultes

Miss Saturne
de Jérôme Combe et Barbara Israël
Production : Prima Linea Productions, Artemis Productions, Fortiche Production
Synopsis : In the 80’s city of Nice (France), Clara, Tom and Paula are wandering in their young lives as if in a labyrinth, deserately looking to find the golden thread that would prove that something in this world make sense. Passionates about the New Wave’s music, the three teenagers are living an experience that is both breathtaking and bitter: in quest of themselves, they’ll also learn that the discovery of Others’ can be a source of disenchantment. Considering themselves as genuine thrill-seekers, they intend to lead make their own way in a world they’re sure to understand, however ignoring it’s actual cynicism. Going out every night, they’ll make several exhilarating encounters, which will leave them with wounds and permanent scars.
Publics adolescents/adultes

My Sunny Maad
de Michaela Pavlatova
Production : Sacrebleu Productions, Negativ
Synopsis : Welcome to Kabul: one family, countless secrets. When Herra, a Czech woman, falls in love with Nazir, an Afghan, she has no idea about the life that awaits her in post-Taliban Afghanistan, nor about the family she is about to join. A grandfather who is a feminist, an adopted young boy who astounds with his intellect, and Freshta, who will do anything to run away from her abusive husband. Like the other women in the family, Herra wears a burka and hides in a closet when guests arrive. She soon starts a new job with an American woman, Heidi, who has little understanding of the way women live in Afghanistan, and still less that not everybody wants to be saved by Westerners.
Publics adolescents/adultes

Super Vinamotor
de Stéphanie Lansaque et François Leroy
Production : Je suis bien content (JSBC)
Synopsis : Kim, un jeune caïd injustement accusé de trahison, est contraint de fuir Saïgon et sa mafia chinoise. Blessé et désorienté, il est recueilli par un duo improbable : Thao, un vieil unijambiste accro au jeu, et sa petite-fille Lan. À travers les petites routes du Delta du Mékong, le trio prend la fuite vers le Cambodge...
Publics adolescents/adultes

The Fantastic Voyage of Marona
d'Anca Damian
Production : Aparte Film, Sacrebleu Productions
Synopsis : Victim of an accident, a small female dog remembers her different masters she has unconditionally loved. With her unfailing empathy, Marona has brought lightness and innocence in each of the homes she has lived in. The fact that the narrator is a dog brings novelty and candor to the plot and also a certain humor and, moreover, invites the audience to empathize with a non-speaking soul. It is a modern tale that uses all the freedom of animation.

The Red Jungle
de Juan Lozano et Zoltan Horvath
Production : Dolce Vita Films, Intermezzo Films
Synopsis : On March 1st 2008, Commander Raúl Reyes, number 2 of the FARC, died in the jungle under the ton of bombs dropped by the CIA and the Colombian army. Along with his corpse, the soldiers retrieved his computers: ten years of letters written by the man in charge of negotiating the release of a hundred of hostages who also acted as the head of foreign affairs of the oldest communist guerrilla in the world. An amazing testimony where meet politicians, journalists, arms dealers, diplomats, hitmen, his close relations and even his kids. “The Red Jungle” delves into the mindset of this man who rules the FARC with an iron fist, as the revolutionary utopia was slowly turning into a nightmare.
Publics adolescents/adultes

The Siren
de Sepideh Farsi
Production : Les Films d'Ici, Lunanime
Synopsis : Novembre 1980, au sud de l'Iran, au début de la guerre opposant l'Iran à l'Irak. Abadan, la capitale de l'industrie iranienne du pétrole résiste aux assauts répétés de l'armée iraquienne, mais est rapidement en état de siège. Omid, un garçon âgé de 14 ans, est resté dans la ville avec son grand-père, attendant son grand-frère parti au front.
Publics adolescents/adultes

Le Voyage du Prince
de Jean-François Laguionie
Production : Blue Spirit Productions
Synopsis : An old Prince runs aground on an unknown shore. Injured and lost, he is found by young Tom and taken in by his parents, a couple of researchers who have been exiled from their community because they dared to believe in the existence of other monkey civilisations… The Prince, guided by his young friend Tom, discovers with great fascination and enthusiasm this society, even though it is actually staid and rigid. During this time, the two researchers dream of convincing the Academy of the veracity of their previously rejected thesis… Presented in the form of an account, similar to a fable, “The Prince’s Journey” is a kind of travel diary set in a world that is quite familiar to us, but very surprising for this old monkey.

Bombay Rose
de Gitanjali Rao
Production : Les Films d'Ici, Cinestaan Film Company
Synopsis : “Bombay Rose” is an animated film, painted frame by frame, where multiple tales of love come together through one, symbolic red rose: the love of an old woman, who grows the red rose. The story of her lover, long dead, on whose grave lies the red rose. The love of Salim, who steals this rose for Kamala. Through the rose, the love of the living, the dead and everyone else in between blends into one greater love, one greater story - of the city, Bombay.
Publics adolescents/adultes

Du Vent dans les roseaux
d'Arnaud Demuynck et Nicolas Liguori
Production : La Boî, Nadasdy Film, Les Films du Nord
Synopsis : Eliette, une petite fille de huit ans, vit dans un pays où le roi a interdit la musique. Un troubadour venu d’Orient s’y fait confisquer ses instruments. Mais il est peu enclin à la servitude et rencontre Eliette qui a sculpté en cachette une flûte dans un roseau sauvage. Eliette et le troubadour se lient d’amitié. Ensemble ils vont mener le peuple à se libérer de la tyrannie. Cette histoire donne toute sa tonalité au long métrage Le Vent dans les roseaux (62 minutes) dans lequel La Chouette du cinéma, une présentatrice qui s’adresse aux enfants dans le public, offre cinq aventures autour de la liberté, avec des musiques originales, des héroïnes surprenantes, et des graphismes sublimes.
Sortie France : octobre 2017

Le Grand méchant Renard
de Benjamin Renner et Patrick Imbert
Productions : Folivari
Synopsis : Le Grand Méchant Renard conte les mésaventures d’un jeune Renard maladroit et d’une petite poule rousse au caractère fort. Le renard, un peu idiot, au tempérament naïf tente quotidiennement de dévorer la petite poule sans succès. Las de ces humiliations répétées le renard va se laisser convaincre de voler les œufs de la poule pour les élever puis les manger. Ce plan semble parfait jusqu’à l’éclosion des jeunes poussins…
Sortie France : juin 2017

The Tower
de Mats Grorud
Production :, Les Contes Modernes, Cinenic Film
Synopsis : Warda is 11 years old, but already a 4th generation refugee. Her dying great-grandfathergives Warda a task: To find your future you must look at your past. This is the start of Warda’s journey up The Tower, through the different floors and generations of her family. For every new generation there is a new story to be told.
Publics adolescents/adultes

d'Arthur de Pins et Alexis Ducord
Production : Maybe Movies, Belvision
Synopsis : Zombillenium, the Halloween theme park, happens to be the one place on earth where real monsters can hide in plain sight. When Hector, a human, threatens to disclose the true identity of his employees, the Vampire Park Manager has no other choice but to hire him. To see his daughter, Hector must escape from his Zombies and Werewolves coworkers.
Sortie France : octobre 2017

Fabulous Circus
d'Eric Gutierrez
Production : Label Anim
Synopsis : Bad times at the farm. Dad is ruined, animals are depressed, farm buildings are crumbling. Only, 10-year-old Zoé is trying to sort everything out. She’s got a brillant idea. The Fabulous Circus, passing through the area, might stop off at the farm and rent the meadow. For a while, things are going a little better. But bad luck strikes again! The so-called stars (tiger, lamas, panther & giraffe) get sick, so that the “country bumpkins” (cow, pig, donkey & hens) shall replace them at short notice. Some say it will never work. It’s impossible! And yet… Just beware of these two ugly swindlers hidding behind the circus tent! Haven’t they pulled the strings in the shadow since the beginning ?

Panique organique
de Pierre Volto et Marion Montaigne
Production : Je suis bien content (JSBC)
Synopsis : Stiveune, a pre-pubescent 13-year-old boy, is eating his Chocoyums when he accidently swallows the submarine cereal box prize! In his gut, Pistou, a disgruntled bacteria, and Chimou, a somewhat less adventurous sidekick, set off to explore the tween’s body. Their journey will take them to different organs whose normal operations they’ll interfere with. Until they get mixed up in a bewildering task: starting Stiveune down the road of puberty !

Princess Dragon
Anthony Roux et Jean-Jacques Denis
Production : Ankama
Synopsis : Bristle is a little girl raised by dragons. She breathes fire, is as strong as ten men, has scales which make her change color depending on the season, and hair which is home to a whole bunch of small animals. But when her father, Dragon, has to pay the Sorcerog using his second most valuable asset, he offers her Bristle… Throwing her into an infinite sadness and forcing her to flee the family cave. Bristle then embarks on a journey to discover the world of men. Upon meeting them, she will learn the meaning of friendship, solidarity, but also greed, which seems to eat away at the King’s heart. It’s there that Bristle will earn her nickname: the “Princess Dragon”.

Single mom in Korea
de Jung Henin
Production : Marmitafilms, Panda Media
Synopsis : « Joy est une jeune maman célibataire de 27 ans qui m’a contacté lorsque j’étais à Séoul, fin 2015, pour une série de conférences. Nous nous sommes rencontrés dans un café, elle m’a raconté son histoire qui m’a littéralement bouleversé. Le statut des mères célibataires en Corée n’a pas beaucoup évolué depuis les années soixante. La mentalité coréenne est responsable de la majorité des abandons d’enfants. Pour beaucoup de coréens, une femme seule avec un enfant vit dans le péché. Ainsi, comme beaucoup d’autres mamans, Joy aurait abandonné son enfant, si elle n’était pas tombée sur mon film qui l’a fait radicalement changer d’avis… »

Les Nazis, mon père et moi
de Rémy Schaepman
Production : Folivari
Synopsis : New York, Juin 1941. Stefan Mayer, un garçon de 13 ans né en Allemagne, est soudainement abandonné par son père et laissé seul avec une grosse valise devant la gare de Grand Central. Désemparé, sans famille vers laquelle se tourner, Stefan se retrouve plongé dans un monde kaléidoscopique rempli d’espions, de complots et de dangers. Dans cette ville monde qui ne dort jamais, sa quête de vérité le mènera plus loin qu’il ne l’a jamais été…

Unicorn Wars
d'Alberto Vazquez
Production : Uniko, Abano Productions, Autour de Minuit, Schmuby Productions
Synopsis : Les oursons et les licornes sont en guerre depuis des temps immémoriaux. Le soldat ourson Célestin convoite le sang des licornes afin d’être éternellement beau, comme l’a prédit le livre sacré de la nouvelle religion. Son frère Bouboule, lui, n’est pas fait pour la guerre. Il est peu sûr de lui, obsédé par la nourriture et ne cherche qu’à être aimé par son frère. Le régiment d’oursons quitte le camp d’entrainement pour une mission qui déclenchera la terrible bataille finale.
Publics adolescents/adultes
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